Are you aiming for bold growth in new markets? Are you interested in international R&D cooperation? We offer large companies financing and contacts from our partner network. Our basic services are free of charge.
How to become
a customer?
Business Finland's expertise and funding services are meant for companies seeking rapid business growth and bold renewal in the international market.
Business Finland's customers can include large companies ready to
Does your company fulfil the above criteria? Contact our customer service so we can talk and find out how we can best help your company.
SMEs are companies with fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of no more than EUR 50 million or a balance sheet total of no more than EUR 43 million. Mid cap companies are large corporations with a turnover of no more than EUR 300 million. See our services for SMEs and midcap companies.
Large companies are corporations with more than 250 employees and a turnover of more than EUR 300 million or a balance sheet total of more than EUR 43 million.