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News 27.10.2022

World Circular Economy Forum 2022 invites to Africa

Photo: Topias Dean, Sitra

The Global South will be in focus as this year’s World Circular Economy Forum takes place in Africa on 6–8 December 2022. Titled From Africa to the World, the forum will be held in Kigali, Rwanda and online, with Studios held in cities across Africa and the world. Business Finland side event of the forum, Plastic Recycling Transformation in Ghana will be held on 13 December 2022.

Africa can lead the world towards a new, more resilient economy – the circular economy. The continent has vast natural resources, a young population and strong entrepreneurship. These are key elements on which the World Circular Economy Forum as a global collaboration platform can build. At the same time, new forms of collaboration around Africa can offer inspiration to the world.

So far, Africa and other developing continents have faced the severe impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss resulting from the take-make-waste economy of developed economies. Now the continent can take a crucial role in the global transition towards circularity.

Held already for the sixth time, the Forum will not only bring people together in Kigali, Rwanda, but also in cities around Africa. To enable a broad local participation, WCEF2022 African Studios will live stream the programme of the main event on a big screen in select locations around Africa and offer discussions on local circular economy examples and networking.

Online participation to the conference is possible from anywhere around the world. The high-level event in Kigali will be by invitation only.

On the first two days, WCEF2022 will explore major themes relevant to Africa’s development in which circularity could play a big role, including climate and nature, youth, infrastructure, entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as trade and value chains. The third day is reserved for partner-led programmes that can take place anywhere around the world or online.

Business Finland's side event focuses on the challenges of plastic recycling in Ghana

As part of the international forum, Business Finland will organize the side event Plastic Recycling Transformation in Ghana on 13 December 2022. 

The event is for Finnish circular economy companies and Ghanaian entities that are looking for a solution to the plastic waste problem.

The event will be held in Ghana, but you can also participate online.

Plastic Recycling Transformation in Ghana  program and registration


WCEF2022 will present circular economy solutions and examine how businesses from Africa and elsewhere can seize new opportunities and gain a competitive advantage in the transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies.

The circular economy is more relevant today than ever, as the world needs to address the global biodiversity loss and climate crises. According to a recent study by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, circular economy interventions can halt global biodiversity loss and help the world’s biodiversity recover. Circularity is crucial not only to keep valuable materials in use, but also to ease the pressure on extracting virgin natural resources.

WCEF2022 will be hosted jointly by the Republic of Rwanda, the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA), the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN) and The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, with international partners. Rwanda is one of ACEA’s founding members and the secretariat is hosted by the African Development Bank.

WCEF2022 program and registration